My name is Nina.

I think food is important; it is a reflection of the contours of our creativity and of our nutritional demands. When we throw the right nutrients to our body, we feel nice and springy. I think we need to really care about what we eat. Food throws us into a chance to be deliberate, to slow down. It presents us with a rare chance of focusing on something---on being mindful (!BUZZWORD!). Food can break the day and nourish you to the point of being able to properly regulate yourself. A good meal can give you a moment to delineate all of those fragments floating around and have the energy to move forward. It's also fun to make our food beautiful not only in ingredients but in aesthetics! Because looks are important, and we can't only be beautiful on the inside. Just kidding. Because art is fun!


I'm not here to throw another ill-conceived notion of basic human goals into the mix, but cooking approaches many of mine: I imagine, engage my senses, challenge the trends, and try to gain the perspective of the potential audience (usually me). If done right, a meal can be multi-dimensional: aesthetic, energizing, satisfying, 8th-level consciousness attaining, magical-property retaining, and often god-luring. Not trying to say anything spiritual, but it is my experience that a delicious plate will aid in levitation.


san francisco








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